Why My Liberal Arts Degree Would Be a Huge Financial Mistake Today

I’d owe $50K more in school loans but only make $10K more annually

Adrienne Parkhurst
5 min readJul 6, 2022
The back of a girl with red hair facing upscale apartment complex. She’s wearing a black backpack and black long-sleeved shirt.
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

I’ve been rethinking the value of the four year bachelor’s degree in our current economy. I’m not alone — families wonder if the cost of a four year degree is worth it.

It saddens me that my liberal arts experience would be out of reach for me today.

Well, okay.

I suppose I could earn the same degree but the financial ROI on that investment isn’t what it was 25 years ago.

I know, I know…a liberal arts degree provides more than financial value.

At my liberal arts college, I benefited from small classrooms and never attended a class taught by anyone but a professor (i.e. no teaching assistants other than lab oversight). I learned how to think critically across several principles and made lifelong friends.

But I can’t overlook the financial hardship I’d bear if I made the same decision today. And who says I wouldn’t have cultivated critical thinking skills and great friends at a community college or a state-funded school?

But, even with the likelihood I’d bury myself in student debt, I would have…



Adrienne Parkhurst

Mom. Wife. Writer. Editor. Healthcare Freelance Writer. Lifetime Learner. Flawed Leader. Sharing my life lessons through personal essays and memoirs.