Adrienne Parkhurst
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Aug 20, 2021

To get more hummingbirds, I had to sweeten the deal.

Close up of green hummingbird with lime green background.
Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

A few weeks into summer, I noticed a green-backed hummingbird hovering outside my kitchen window — staring at me.

Oops. Forgot to put the feeder out!

I whipped up a homemade recipe of sugar water. It called for a 1:4 sugar to water ratio. Once full, I hung the small tube in the same spot as last year.



Adrienne Parkhurst
The Daily Cuppa

Mom. Wife. Writer. Editor. Healthcare Freelance Writer. Lifetime Learner. Flawed Leader. Sharing my life lessons through personal essays and memoirs.