How a Bunch of Ninjas Inspire Me to Keep Writing

For years, I doubted my storytelling skills, until a writing group helped me overcome my fear to hit publish.

Adrienne Parkhurst
6 min readJan 11, 2021
Woman holding pen and writing in a journal.
Photo by Timothy L Brock on Unsplash

Since my Freshman year in college, the idea of being a good writer eluded me. I felt unprepared when I arrived on campus. My education fell short when compared to the suburban, rich kids at my liberal arts university.

I graduated from a small, rural high school, where many teachers taught from outdated, tattered manuals. I worked hard to earn good grades, but developed bad study-habits. In college, my tendency to procrastinate bit me in the ass — I got two C’s during my first semester.

Eventually, I figured out how to study (and drank lots of Diet Mountain Dew) and improved my grades. I’d like to say I kicked the procrastination habit, but I think I just got better at it. I graduated in four years with a good GPA. Yet, I always felt inadequate in my literature and writing classes. I never felt smart enough to be a real writer.

It’s been two decades (ouch!) since I graduated from college. Finally, I have the confidence to tell my stories. And I have a bunch of Ninjas to thank for it.

I felt like an imposter in college.



Adrienne Parkhurst

Mom. Wife. Writer. Editor. Healthcare Freelance Writer. Lifetime Learner. Flawed Leader. Sharing my life lessons through personal essays and memoirs.