10 Things You Don’t Know About Me

Spoiler alert: I’m a shameless Twi-hard fan with a vocal tic and E.T. toes

Adrienne Parkhurst
9 min readMay 7, 2022
Woman kissing a life-sized cut out of Edward Cullen.
Author’s photo from her Twilight Saga: Eclipse opening day movie party. Circa 2010.

I’ve procrastinated an ‘About Me’ post for over a year. When I saw the About Me publication, I thought it was genius.

And then I started a draft and became hypnotized by the blinking cursor. I sang a beat to its rhythm. It sounded a bit like a drone singing, “Tomorrow, tomorrow.”

Tomorrow turned into a week, then a month, and now a year later and that damned cursor mocks me.

Just write something dammit.

So this is the something — a response to the writer’s prompt that Julie Gaeta tagged me in over a month ago. I fell in love with other Cuppa writers ‘10 Things’ posts and the idea for the post seemed less daunting. Thanks to Katie Michaelson, Hudson Rennie, Karen Schwartz, Barb Dalton 🇺🇦 and Adrienne Beaumont for inspiring me with your About Me lists!

Tagging Nicole Brown, Susie Antonia, Marilyn Flower, Ching Ching, Manasi Kudtarkar to see if you guys will do a fun list!

1. I hum when I’m nervous.

It’s more like a mix between a tiny grunt and hum that emerges when my nervous system activates. I can’t hear it, but it I’m pretty sure it happens daily.



Adrienne Parkhurst

Mom. Wife. Writer. Editor. Healthcare Freelance Writer. Lifetime Learner. Flawed Leader. Sharing my life lessons through personal essays and memoirs.